Slightly Nasty

Slightly Nasty

Slightly Nasty is a synth and audio electronics maker based in Adelaide, Australia. We design Loudest Warning format DIY modules with an emphasis on simplicity of construction, easy-to-find parts, and good documentation.

Model 1011 Discrete Oscillator, Model 2251 Multiband Filter, Model 2231 Asymmetric Slew Limiter, Model 1411 Dual Discrete Mixer and Model 2111 are among Slightly Nasties most popular products.

Model 1011 Discrete Oscillator

Slightly Nasty

Model 1011 Discrete Oscillator (LW panel, +12/-12v)

Model 2231 Asymmetric Slew Limiter

Slightly Nasty

Model 2231 Asymmetric Slew Limiter

Model 2251 Multiband Filter

Slightly Nasty

State variable filter + VCA

Model 1411 Dual Discrete Mixer

Slightly Nasty

Model 2111

Slightly Nasty

Random Voltage Source