10 HP
Current Draw
15 mA +12V
6 mA -12V
0 mA 5V

Module is available as a DIY project only.

This Module is currently available.

Envelope Generator

This module is designed to replicate the user interface and the behaviours of the “Transient” envelope generator from the ETI 4600/3600 and later Maplin 5600/3800 synthesizers.
The ETI transient controls had a range of 5mS to 5 seconds. In this module they all have a range of 1mS to 10 seconds in four even decades, i.e. 1-10mS, 10-100mS, 100-1000mS, and 1-10 seconds.
To simplify the circuit, a Microchip PIC processor has been used. The PIC code has been developed from the Electric Druid LOOPENV1 Looping ADSR, and is released under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
While the Transient is basically an ASR (attack, sustain, release) envelope it is capable of envelope shapes not easily achievable with other envelope generators.

The REL2 software version adds selectable control ranges of up to 10S, 100S, 1000S, or 2440S (42 minutes!)


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submitted Jun 14th 2018, 09:11 by fitzgreyve | last Change Jan 31st 2022, 13:45 by fitzgreyve

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