94 mm wide
114 mm high
Current Draw
100 mA / 9 V DC / Negative Center
$189 Price in €

This Pedal is currently available.

Deep Space Devices Boomburst

Suboctave Fuzz Drive with Trem/Vibe

Boomburst is a suboctave drive with PLL characteristics where your overall drive is thrown into CMOS Hex Inverting buffer that operates along with a binary counter\divider giving you different trem\vibe patterns to the drive and overall suboctave effect.

In simpler terms, Boomburst is a drive with trem/vibe that blends with high or low octave focused effects that has PLL characteristics. If you want to get fun with describing it, I like to imagine it as an octave bit drive that was used in an intense boss battle on the N64.

It can be sporadic or can have some restraint with the pseudo-random suboctave effect. This isn’t a PLL effects pedal but then again, it has characteristics to be considered as one. If this was PLL focused, we’d have triple the amount of controls and well, you know where I’m going with this.

Oh, another thing to note. It gets LOUD.


submitted Aug 1st 2023, 23:14 by wutkanido | last Change Aug 2nd 2023, 01:24 by wutkanido