Trying to move towards performance and figure out how to explore using modular for various genres (ambient, doom, industrial techno, and house). There are several modules I can see removing as they already are somewhat redundant. The current list for the chopping block are: Marbles and Plaits. I'm also considering replacing Maths with Rampage or a similar, but smaller, function generator. The Plaits I'd likely replace with another oscillator, probably something specialized as I already have a Moog Matriarch and Moog Werkstatt that can cover the smooth analog sound (and then some). Or maybe I don't need any more voices if I take into account the external voices.

I recently acquired a few utility modules from NE that are 3U format. If I do end up switching to a 4U case as my secondary, then I may ultimately replace some of those 3U modules with a 1U varieties—unfortunately that will likely not be from NE as they currently don't make 1U modules.

I have the WMD Performance Mixer here as I've read about performers using lots of mixers for live shows and they frequently mention this specific mixer. It's big and may be more than I need since I have less voices. E.g., I use a single BIA as monophonic drum and/or use an external sampler for drums. My mixing needs are then reduced. However, I'd still like to have wet/dry lines for various effects (reverb, delay, distortion). Also, I'm just realizing that when relying on a single module for all drum sounds, there isn't an easy way to live mix different drum sounds. If the module is driven by a sequencer (e.g., the Polyend Tracker), then I could set different levels in the sequence to achieve that effect. But it's definitely not the same as moving a single slider or twisting a single knob.