
modded version - removed redundancies according to Jim's well though out comment. Although was not able to remove the delay, that's my baaby :)


Hi All,

any and all comments welcome :)

Under normal circumstances I play a few medium sized techno/electronic gigs per year, but have no real ambitions about this. The music comes first.

I currently use my Moog family (M32, DFAM & Subharmonicon), a Maschine Mk3, a couple small control keyboards and an 8-track external mixer. All clocked and controlled through my DAW, which i also sometimes use for extra spice. I want to minimize the use of the DAW in the future though, I don't want to be seen as another launchpad tapper. Live playing should always have an element of risk.

The main goal of the rig is to add mid-high range percussive elements and modulation to the Moogs.

I'm a total noob to modular, as you can well see from the rig :), so are there unnecessary elements in it? Am i missing something totally vital?

Thank you for all feedback in advance!
