Thread: Sonenrack

More modulation sources for sure. The quad ADSR is great, but you've got a lot of audio sources that will greatly benefit from modulation. Also, you've got a lot of clock/logic signals, but I'm not seeing many modules that benefit from clocks. A sequencer, turing machine, clocked random source, or clocked LFOs would take great advantage of all those clocks.

Expert Sleepers makes great modules for getting stuff out of a DAW and into a modular. Check out the ES-8 (USB) and ES-3 (ADAT) in particular. In combination with their Silent Way plugin, you can even send CV directly to your modular from your DAW. No MIDI conversion required. You also might want to swap out one of those performance mixers for a Mutable Instruments Frames. Does something similar (signal routing) but in a unique way.

Looks slick. Great sonic compliment to the Mother. Don't forget some VCAs tho!

Hi Ronbo!

I've used my modular for drum processing a ton. While you don't NEED an envelope follower, they're really, really useful. The other thing that's useful in that situation is buffered mults. The ones in your rack are unbuffered, which could cause signal level drops. Depending on how you're getting signal from outside your modular into your modular, you might need an input module too (the Doepfer A-119 is both an envelope follower and an external input). The other comment I have is that you have two oscs and three LPFs. Unless you're just in love with the LPF sound, I'd encourage you to consider at least one multimode filter (like Intellijel's Polaris). Often times they have one out per mode, so you get more audio to do fun things with.

Have fun!

Thread: Funbox v2

Intellijel 7U case. To be used with Mixbox: ModularGrid Rack

Thread: Mixbox

To be used in an Intellijel 7U case along with Funbox v2.0: ModularGrid Rack

A good option to replace the maths would be the 4ms Quad Pingable LFO. Each can be used as a one-shot AD if the ping clock is stopped. Plus, rhythmic modulation and a clear next step for expansion (e.g. QCD).

You don't need two. : )

I'm doing something similar using two of these, which give you a built-in VCA:

Thanks! Larry was a great guy. He was integral to the early MOTM community.