
Im thinking about to take a break from modular for the moment
things start to become to big and complex for my brain right now (while I have to focus on other non musical stuff)

For the meanwhile:
Im looking for a small performance setup which is small and easy, maybe just focusing on up to 3 devices or so.

So im asking for some ideas and tips for a non modular or hybrid setup - maybe some groovebox or drummaschine oriented setup. minimalistic, easy to use without to much brain cells involved :D

This is my first attempt:
(I have the DFAM and Mood MK II, not the rest)

ModularGrid Rack

(Sry, the rack doesnt shop up directly, because its a "pedal rack")





Are these pieces of gear in the setup things that you already have, or do you have to buy this stuff?

I have only the moog DFAM and the Mood MK II FX-Pedal.

The rest are just ideas for additional stuff I would have to buy.



Two samplers seems like a lot. Maybe that's just me. You'd probably get more out of a Bluebox than a Blackbox here.

For a groovebox-oriented setup, powerful but without too much complexity, the choice of Model:Samples seems excellent to me. And, at a lower cost, I would add a Volca Drum for totally different sounds. This amazing little box is like a small percussive synthesizer. And indeed, I would complete with the Blackbox for an opening towards wider sampling. Plus your DFAM... let the show begin!

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Volca Drum seems a great idea.
How about controlling the Volca Drum?
I had a Volca FM once and I found the parameters hard to access and menu divey.
So I guess it could be similar with the volca drum?

drums should be covered

Any idea for a small synth voice?
Softpop 2 is quiet expensive (I will leave it out)

Right now Im thinking like this:

drums: elektron: samples + volca drum (remove the dfam)
FX: Mood MK II (reverb, delay, looper, granular)
small synth voice: ?
small mixer: Bastl Bestie?

I could add a bluebox and blackbox later, but still to expensive right now.



If you want something based around modal:samples

I would go for a Volca FM rather than the drum - you can make loads of drum sounds with the Volca FM and all the synth sounds too.

Possibly a bit harder to grok, but imho it is always worth learning how to do FM well.

The Mood after the Volca FM will be excellent - while the FM sounds great as it is, the Mood will make it sound like a proper class synth.

Then maybe a end of chain compressor before your recorder. Something like an RNLA will work wonders.

Have fun!

Edit: just realised the modal:samples doesn't have an 'in', so the end of chain compressor doesn't make much sense without a mixer.

The Microfreak might be a good synth option. Tons of synth engines (including Plaits and Noise Engineering sounds), a decked out mod matrix, and a few sample-based synth options to do some of the more complex sample manipulating/playing elements from the Blackbox as well. 4 voices and an analog filter to top it all off. Hard to beat in a smaller setup - especially when it's so tactile.

Volca Drum seems a great idea.
How about controlling the Volca Drum?
I had a Volca FM once and I found the parameters hard to access and menu divey.
So I guess it could be similar with the volca drum?

Volca Drum can be a performance tool.
There is no really annoying menu diving.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

(Sry, the rack doesnt shop up directly, because its a "pedal rack")

That should work now.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

Just checked back in here and I just wanted to say I started my post reply before I saw your reply with the menu dive comment and wasn't being contrary

I have a Korg volca drum and it is tons of fun using with eurorack effects modules!