A new single from our upcoming album is out now: https://wilderbeats.bandcamp.com/track/ryuichi

Track composed with modular synthesizer and Lyra 8. Hope you like it!

Here's a new modular-driven single from our band Wilder beats, hope you like it! Full length album coming later this year.

Bandcamp: https://wilderbeats.bandcamp.com/track/demens
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/2kT8RI5A1kaus9wYvs64qc?si=otH9cu7sQPq81Llaylichg

Arpeggios mostly coming from Mother32+Strymon Magneto.
Bass from Make Noise STO.
Beat mostly modular, with some additions from Ableton.

Any possibilities to have a poor traders thread? I had an incident where a guy from this forum sold me genuine Mutable Instruments Peaks but the module I received was a clone (verified this from Mutable instruments and they said it looked like a factory made clone, so most probably there are more clone units than the one I have).

The user who sold the module won't respond my messages anymore. Would like to warn everyone else as he seem to be selling a lot.