I think I may go with a Make Noise Maths 2 and a Mutable Instruments Veils tomorrow. Any thoughts on the VCA? Alternatives? I would like to have a mixer with CV controlled panning and level, but I think I may just use my external Mackie for now.

Any examples of VCADSRs you like?

At the moment I'm sequencing from a Beatstep Pro which provides pitch, gate and velocity per track. How would you incorporate quantisers/sequencers? Which ones do you like personally?

I should also say that I have an 0-Coast, as well.

Thanks or your reply :). I think I'm leaning towards West Coast. Considering that I've been told that some of my modules aren't that great (envelope generators, mixers, VCAS, LFOs), I'd like to know what the limiting factors are in your opinion and what potential solutions are to step things up. I'd also like to expand the range of sounds in general, both for more traditional as well as experimental sounds. I guess I'm looking for flexibility and quality - and would welcome character and quirkiness. I hope that makes any sense... What would be your first point of attack? Which modules would increase the value of my system most? I'd like to build on what's already there if possible but wouldn't mind making changes either. Finally, I'd like to have a nice delay/echo unit (but that's more of a separate question, really).

Hey folks,

I'm about to visit Schneider's Laden in Berlin and was wondering how you'd develop my rack further if it was yours? What modules would you add and why?

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

ModularGrid Rack