Lugia, thank you so much for taking the time to write such a detailed answer! It does look like a really versatile build, I will make sure to check out every module you listed here. Cheers!

Sorry I should have detailed my goals, expectations and requirements in my first post.
I'm not looking for an all-in-one solution, I make music in the box (iPad and Ableton), and was looking for a little 'plink-plonk' machine to jam and stay away from a computer screen. But I hear you regarding limitations.
The ALM System Coupe is fantastic but it's just too big for me, I want to be able to easily put the rack in a backpack.
This build is close to what I typically use in miRack, but I agree it could use some attenuverters and VCAs, I initially had a 2HP attenuverter instead of the Trim. Cold Mac, as suggested, seems like a Swiss army knife that could handle VCA duties?

That's some great insight antipythagoras, FX Aid XL does seem a bit redundant, and I would happily swap it for some degree of 'manual control'. Cold Mac looks really versatile indeed, I'm not sure how much I'd need the mixer part, but the utility and shaping aspects would be wonderful. I'll have to do some reading.

Thanks a lot for your input!

Hey Metrowave,

Thank you for your recommendation! I was thinking about adding an internal power supply later on, the one you linked looks great. I considered the 4MS pod as well, but I would need the X version (64HP I believe) as some modules are too deep for the standard case (Disting and FxAidXL are 42 and 45mm deep).

I'm also considering swapping the Befaco Out for a Pico Out (2HP) and add an extra 2HP buffered mult.

Please keep you comments going, that's super helpful!

Hi all,

I would love some advice/guidance on my first build please, here is what I had in mind:
- Has to be easily transportable (60hp max) and powered by either a power bank or a wall wart.
- I'd like to sequence it from Pam/uO_C for semi-generative stuff and external midi sources (Probably my iPad + Launchpad Pro mk3) for more intentionnal sequencing.

For the case, I was thinking about the Moog one, unpowered.
I'm not sure if I'm missing extra modulation or utilities, or if there are any glaring omissions?

Many thanks!