If its only happening semi-randomly, it seems to me like it might be a bug. However I am not a doctor, so do with this what you will.
Have you tried reflashing the firmware? If that doesn't fix the issue, I'd try writing ALM.

1-The layout is just dumb. They didn't lay it out like a typical sequencer as a grid. HATE THAT.

-- tatsuchan

Of course they didnt. Its a mixer, ya goof!

Check out Intellijels Rainmaker. I have both Beads and Mimeophon, and theyre awesome, but the Rainmaker is on a whole other level. Its a bit pricier than the others but its a super textured delay powerhouse.

I dont have and havent used Sealegs, but between the other 2 it really depends on what you want from your delay. If youre interested in granular stuff, go with Beads. Otherwise i'd choose Mimeophon, personally. Its defintely a more textured delay. But then again being a delay is not what Beads does best.