Anything which requires hovering (which is simply not a tablet thing) and pressing a keyboard key (which relatively few tablets have available) is rather hostile to touchscreen devices. Add to that the horrible performance of ModularGrid on the macos version of Safari, and it is pretty clear that the site operator expects it to be used in Chrome, on Windows, with a mouse and keyboard. Which is really unfortunate given how great of a resource the site is otherwise.

FWIW, it isn’t so much that VnIcursal is cramped, it is that the ordering of the pots, in relation to their channels, is really unintuitive. Zoom in on one of the module images and you’ll see what I mean. :)

They’re both pretty great little modules, though. They just optimize for different things, as with all good modules large or small.

With both VnIcursal and Veils 2020 side by side I can perhaps add a bit to Jim's answer above:

  • VnIcursal is linear only, requiring lin/exp/adjustable upstream if you want that.
  • Where VnIcursal has a seventh mix out, Veils has flexible submix normalling.
  • Where Veils is pristine across essentially all ranges of input and control voltage, VnIcursal has some distortion character to it past certain voltages. You may want this. You may not. I like having both options around.
  • VnIcursal's trimpot layout is, frankly, error-generating. Very easy to turn the wrong pot.
  • And lastly there's the obvious channel count / HP density difference.

One additional thought which you may or may not already know: Note that the power module can only be placed in the upper left corner if you are standing the rack vertically.

For what it’s worth, be mindful of the space adjacent to the power module. You can only place very shallow modules within 4 hp or so of that location, with the Quad Envelope manual saying it is 26mm deep (not counting connector placement, which can create problems even for the most shallow of modules there.)

This is definitely one of the things I’m least happy with regarding the Rackbrute, along with its angle adjustment being more limited than you’d assume (and actually more limited than what is shown in the manual!) :/