Thanks for the tip!

Hello everybody, excited first poster here!

In short: Anybody using Expert Sleepers ES-8 ADAT connections to get two-way communication going between Native Instruments Reaktor (or similar) via Ableton Live? What is your experience doing it like this? Any drawbacks? How is the performance and quality if you want to route audio in and out? What are the alternatives to this setup that you considered?

Background info: I've bought my Eurorack steppingstone (a Moog Mother-32, what else) a few months back and I'm looking forward to build up my own sound further. To explore the different options I have and what kind of hardware modules are worth to invest in, I would like to experiment in software, like Native Instruments Reaktor. As I want to incorporate an interface between my DAW and Eurorack anyways, the Expert Sleepers ES-8 seems to be a great option. This way I'll be able to connect my hardware to Reaktor in Ableton Live and explore what kind of modules I would like to have in hardware. Since Live on Windows is not able to handle two audio interfaces, I would use ADAT to connect the ES-8 to my Focusrite Scarlett 18i20. As I've never used any hardware in this way and there is not much information on the ES-8 available yet, this brings me to the questions above.