There is no such thing as "finish"... modular synths are endlessly evolving custom instruments... maybe a case will be full at some point, but there are always other cases...

I think there is such a thing as “finished” if you want it to be…that’s what my wife keeps telling me…
Thank you for your suggestions. Sometimes you just want someone to confirm what you’re already thinking and suggest specific modules that you can do homework on. That’s when you get the aha moments, and realise this module can do more (or less) than you initially thought. So many modules, so little time!

Thanks for the reply JimHowell1970. Could you give me some examples of how YOU would finish this rack? Which modules would you go for? I’ve got vcas in Maths, but nothing really drones if I don’t want them to. But do I need more? Please help 😳

Hello guys and gals,
I’m a bit stuck. Do I really need VCAs?
Do I need effects?
Do I need a mixer?
What would you do to finish off this rack?
Help would be very, very helpful.

link to rack, cos jpgs are shit

ModularGrid Rack

it looks like you could do with improving modulation and utilities - possibly the most interesting modules and in lots of ways much more important than sound sources or effects...

see my signature for a rough guide on how to get the most versatility from your rack for the least cash...

-- JimHowell1970

Can you talk me through ‘seeing your signature’ please :)

Hi y'all,
Not been here for a while (slightly intimidated by the tech). I've had this setup for a while now, I get so far with modulation and effects, then I just hit a wall. It sort of sounds OK, but I always feel like I'm missing something. I've also use Ableton, a Korg Volca Modular and Volca drum, and a Shruthie. I think I need something to bring it all together. I've got an Expert Sleepers ES-6 on the way, so that's covered. 4 years ago I signed up for a Cirklon, so I know that could be the answer. But, just the eurorack as a standalone instrument, is it lacking anything? I like to compose LCD Soundsystem type of music. I realise this is a lot of waffle, but it's the nearest to articulation I can get. Please help? Are there any missing pieces? What would you add?

Nope, no ES-3. Just do a little scrounging. and you can beat the cost on that thing. FYI, this IS how you'd hook the ES-3 up as well...but we're going "cheap-n-dirty" here, getting much the same result for about 1/3rd the price.
-- Lugia

Ok thanks Lugia, maybe another silly question but, does that mean I would need a load of 1/4 to 1/8 cables? Also if I didn’t want to go down the “cheap-n-dirty” route, would an ES8 or ES3+6 do the job? Just trying to understand ALL the options :)

My modular setup is quite simple: I use intellijel Mixup as my mix out, into my fireface ufx channel 1&2. Press record on Ableton, then press play on the modular, and that’s it! I would like to record every sound from my modular onto a separate channel simultaneously in Ableton so I can apply eq etc...and be able to hit record in Ableton and eurorack starts and is synced to the tempo. I think the ES9 will do this, but would that be overkill if I have ADAT on my audio interface? Am I just missing one thing or several bits of hardware. Thanks for the replies :)

Ok Lugia. I wish I could get my head around what you’re saying, I’m really trying, but with little success! Do you mean an ES3? Can you give me any examples?
The-erc: I think I get what you’re saying, but I also want to sync in time with my DAW. In other words, click record on Ableton and eurorack starts playing?
Thanks guys. To a newbie, and not technically savvy, it’s so hard to get your head around all this so that you’re not wasting money on something you potentially already have.

Hi all, loving my eurorack, but I get a bit lost on the most practical way to sync it to my DAW. I currently have an Intellijel Mixup going out to my audio interface (RME Fireface UFX) into Ableton or Cubase, but I want to be able to record all my sounds individually, so what do I need? It needs to be in the eurorack form. Maybe an Expert Sleepers ES-3? Also want to use my iPad or keystep. Please help. I’m stuck!

Is it really that bad?! I get loads of fun from this setup already!
I'm very new to this (as you can tell) and I hunger for knowledge from all sources.
Why scrap it and start over?
On some forums small is the way to go, on others it's get everything you can (or can't) afford!
The intent is to have fun and learn something new every day along the way!
I know it will grow eventually (if my wife lets me), thats why I bought the core modules first so I can build around it.
(Maybe that was silly?!?)
(Maybe the GAS got to me early?!?)
(Fool and his money???)
Anyway, I've started now...

I'll definitely get a mixer, a couple of filters and VCA's and another modulation source. Any in particular would you recommend?
Oh, the Eloquencer stays because I love it!

What would you add to this to make it complete? Anything goes!!

The modules are in hand since yesterday! My first steps into racks! Nothing's 'playing nice' yet but I hear 'magic' from time to time. I don't know -yet- how to set the Morphagene to the Eloquencer other than basic triggers, and you mention a trigger sequencer. Could you explain why I need a trigger and what type: big, small, I don't know what you mean? Sorry... Thanks for your very valued feedback!

I'm very happy for the reply Lugia!
I think I know what I want to do, but putting it into a cohesive paragraph was always going to be a problem! I want to create melodic percussion incorporating Eloquencer/LIP being live-sampled by Morphagene, random rhythms with Pico Drums and Pam. I now understand that more mods are needed to play with the Eloquencer. What drum mods do you suggest? You are right though; how do I sequence the Morphagene?

Need some help guys...Trying to set up a drum and sampling rig but a bit stuck on where to go next?


I've finally dipped my big toe into Eurorack! I want a drum/sampler core and put this together. Do I need more being a newbie?