Thanks for the tips Ashekyu!

In the end I think I am converging towards the following setup (west side approach):

ModularGrid Rack

The first upgrades I will want to do are getting a MATHS and perhaps going for that grids/peaks combo for percussions.

What do you think?

Do you think this configuration will yield interesting results?

I have self imposed a max 1k EUR budget to get started exploring the magic world of modular synthesis.

I have assembled the following setup:
ModularGrid Rack

What would you suggest adding as other modules?

Here I assembled some of the modules that I find most interesting: ModularGrid Rack

Is there any one in here that you would say "hell yes get that too"?

I plan to use 2x"TIPTOP Audio Z-EARS TABLETOP" and the "DOEPFER A-100 DIY KIT #1" as a rack. I believe this would allow me to have 2 84HP rows and when I decide to drop the $$ I may also get a case to mount the racks into.


I have converged towards this design:

ModularGrid Rack