Thanks for sharing! It's definitely interesting to see multiples of maths in a system. I sure know I would like another!

I'm I the only one freaking out about this firmware? Seriously so awesome, I grabbed a second peaks. The betabyte function is crazy!

I own both peaks and ripples. Peaks is an AMAZING module. Go for it.

Also I meant amplify*

It sounds great! Just low output volume.

I've also noticed this! Especially when using the LP4 >VCA out, usually attenuate it! What's up?

Thread: First Rack

Hey! So, I grabbed a Division 6 Mult and ordered the EON, definitely had my eyes on that one. Also Purchased a Kappa V2 by Dreadbox, so I've been using that to control everything lately. Thanks for the advice!!!

Thread: First Rack

I've honestly just been using a Korg Sq-1 to sequence/control everything. It's a primitive setup but I'm really liking it so far. I originally bought the Lil Monster as a second oscillator for my Microbrute and then spiraled out of control from there...

Thread: First Rack

Thoughts on completing this? I was considering buying another oscillator?