We have an eye for vote manipulation and we delete fake votings regularly. This module was downvoted by a normal user. Every voting system has this problem and I am not sure how to improve it. At the end take the ratings with a grain of salt but I still think in most occasions they give you a good idea. Especially if the modules are voted in larger numbers.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

So I was missing something ! Thanks a lot, the Disting Mk4 seems to be for me... (diving into Arduino would be super great.. but I've no time in my life for that..)
-- patchable

Always convenient to have a Disting laying around whenever you need (x)

Fold 6 from Joranalogue is a great option and relatively cheap as well.
Both the core triangle and fundamental outputs on the G3 sound awesome sent thru it.
Filter8 is another obvious one as a filter and modulation source when in LFO mode.

Orbit3 is another fun modulation source.

Both orbit and filter 8 can also act as oscillators

This is a design for a Tiptop Audio Happy Ending rack kit that will sit atop a Behringer 2600 in a 19" rack frame. I got the kit for Xmas and have been wanting to expand some of the basics of the 2600 with some sequencing and a couple VCAs. I'm aware that the B960 does not have enough power to trigger the 2600 without being run through the 2600's built-in preamp, which is fine with me, I'm just hoping not to run into too many other power issues.

Mainly I'm looking to increase modulation options with the extra VCAs and the extra envelope, have an independent option for two voices by adding a second filter, and some good old fashioned 70's sequencing with the b960 and 962. Outside of the case I'll also have the Korg SQ-1.

Some videos of my tiny playground here:



Thread: Change Log

Natural sort of Rack names

In Rack view under Switch and in the command center the names are now sorted "naturally" instead by string.

1. Rack 1
11. Rack 11
2. Rack 2

1. Rack 1
2. Rack 2
11. Rack 11

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

i have a mantis case for sale if interested


Got a Mantis Case and a Grandterminal+expander for sale,PM Me

So I was missing something ! Thanks a lot, the Disting Mk4 seems to be for me... (diving into Arduino would be super great.. but I've no time in my life for that..)

Yeah, I think it'll work nicely. Like Pusha said, you'll need to try out differently shaped envelopes (exp/lin/log) to see what works best.

Thanks for helping, @geusensdriesmusic. Yeah, after watching the few available videos about the module, I think it can do what I need.
-- klngvrhltnss

My music on Bandcamp - Instagram - YouTube

in my case could be works in progress - or abandoned ones I need to clean up - or chopped up ones to separate power supplies - loads and loads of reasons - often private!! - or maybe just not for public consumption!!!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

They are linear on Optomix.

Thanks, @pusha. Good to know!
Does anyone know, if the MN Optomix's response is linear or logarithmic? I can't find any information on that.

Sometimes a click on a username to see his/her modules and racks. then i find dozens of racks all set to private.
I am curious - what is YOUR reason to set everything to private?

you'll need a better power supply than the uZeus - max -ve rail is 500mA - and you're over it, let alone leaving any headroom...

I'd go for a bigger case - something like a mantis - and have some space left over for the inevitable expansion* - it'll also mean you have plenty of headroom on both rails! - they come in black these days I believe and have way better power supplies than the uZeus!!!

or if you're set on a single row and it's DIY then the befaco excalibus is a decent power supply and doesn't take up valuable space (no rack wart!) - can't say I'd be happy with the layout like that - external input in the middle of a row etc

I don't have a lubadh, or any other instruo modules for that matter, but I'm sure there are plenty of others with multiples of modules that are in the same price range... and lots of people with multiples of other musical instruments that cost way more (guitarists - multiple guitars and amps, both often more expensive than any module, for example) - so I really don't think it's unrealistic to have multiple lubadhs - or really any more excessive than any modular synth... after all it's only money... and yours is yours to do with as you please

  • filters, effects, a proper mixer etc!!!!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

If you ever have considered to dive into the world of micro controllers (Arduino) this would be a great real world use case for a tiny project.
In case you're interested i can send you a few links to my projects where reading cv clock/reset and sending midi clock already exists.
Of course its a lot harder than buying a finished device - but you will learn a lot and maybe inspires you to create other unique stuff with midi + cv signals.

this user has left ModularGrid

Still overkill, but it seems like Befaco CV Thing will do Midi clock

Too bad the VPME.de trig31 doesn't seem to do Midi clock. Just the right amount of kill otherwise.

Or set and forget a Disting Mk4

I wish I could filter/sort by whether a module is in the rack I am currently viewing. This would mostly be useful with the "My Modules" tab while editing a rack. When I am rethinking a rack layout, I'd like to quickly pull up my modules that are currently not in the rack, so I can see what I might want to swap in and out.

Not sure how generally useful this feature would be, but as someone with more modules than HP and a frequent rack rearranger, I would use this feature pretty often.

Hi there, first time actually posting here.

I’m in the starting phase of curating samples to fill in my Lubadh after I downloaded the v.2 update.

When looking at my racks this should come as no surprise that I tend to stick to a few different brands.

Sometimes I do like to think about theoretical specific purpose cases.
This idea came to me when I Watched the instruo v2 firmware update video and I noticed that when demoing melontron mode that Jason demoed it in polyphonic mono. A couple of days passes while I’m working night shifts and rewatch the video that in theory it should be very possible, by using only instruo modules to make the same patch in stereo, utilising both decks on a Lubadh in one shot mode.

The full build from Left to right is as follows;
1(f), Harmonaig, Tain,Tanh[3], Lubadh + expander, usb expander, 2(f), second Lubadh + expander, carn, cuir and lastly a power module, preferably an instruo one. With 2 x 2hp instruo blanks just to complete the look.
Hp: 104
Number of modules: MG says 16, I don’t count the expanders as modules, so 11.
Power consumption: 960 mA +12v. | 540 mA -12v| 0 mA 5v.
Depth: 42mm.

Harmonaig would be altering which reel it will be triggering with the help of Tain and duplicating the cv out of harmonaig you would have the reels alternating from left to right when playing the keyboard. Having an 1 f to manually modulate the harmonaig, seeing as Jason did it by hand in the demo video.

First Lubadh:
This is the main brain and sound source. Primarily
Set as mode (A) melontron mode for obvious reasons. Mode(B) would be set to sequencingpoly, I haven’t had the time to try this out yet, but it seems to fit this builds purpose.

The Larachd serves 3 purposes in this patch. First purpose is to be used as a sampler for the first Lubadh, second would be as a microphone, combining it with a portable recorder with a pop filter would let people blessed with confidence and talent enough to sing. Put on an extra performance when recording onto the second Lubadh. Adding the Tahn[3] to compliment the Larachd.

The second Lubadh; I know, a bit unrealistic to own two lubadhs unless you are Jason himself. this Lubadh is simply going to work as a dual record deck, using preset (a) tape looper and (b) broken tape. Knowing that the Mellotron was made in 1963, I cannot imagine mr Mc.Cartneys mellotron actually sounding as the day it was made, since tape decays over time the presets are necessary to complete this builds aesthetic sound. Furthermore; Having a 2f fader to adjust the tape modulation per channel seemed like the perfect fit.

last two modules is a carn and a cuir, for audio mixing and audio output.
I haven’t tried out the Carn, so I’m not sure if it’s a good fit for the rack, but a mixer on paper is worth gold. Using it simply to add as a mixer for larachd could be the clue.



It's an active (powered) LPG, not passive like the Takaab, so yes it works well responding to CV. However bear in mind that its response is logarithmic, so can be a little trickier to get the shapes you want unless you're using an envelope that has a good level of dynamic control.

Thanks but it's overkill ! Looking for simplicity..

It might be overkill, but the Westlicht Performer does that. I use it all the time to sync my modular to my Boss RC-5 Loop Station.

I also own a Viol Ruina. I hated it for quite some time, because it behaves strangely, most often. I had the same problems you described. And yes, the filter out is pretty low volume. You basically need the Mangle to push the level up. I had the module laying around unused for months, before I gave it another chance. And then somehow it clicked for me. Now, it's an integral part of my core setup. I mostly do parallel processing with it, as I can control the amount of crazyness it brings with it, that way. I know how to push it, to get what I want from it. But I'm sure, there's even more, as it is such a beast, in a positive way.

Hi friends,
I'm looking for a eurorack module (or any simple thing) that would allow me to send through midi a CV master clock (from my euroracks modules) to some guitar pedals (Meris, Hologram etc) to sync. In other words, I don't need to send CC messages – only the start, stop and tempo info of a master clock.
Does that exist ? I seem to see all the modules allowing a complete transfer of CC messages, but I have not found anything that can just produce a master clock from CV to midi (TRS or DIN). Thanks for your help!

Thanks for helping, @geusensdriesmusic. Yeah, after watching the few available videos about the module, I think it can do what I need.

Wow, thanks for the detailed response! After looking through some of these modules I have to admit I really like the functions they offer... I'll definitely get the quad VCA as I've always heard you want more VCAs, so might as well start out with plenty. As for the FX units I'll have to look through some demos later to get a feel for them.

Your response was very helpful in helping me narrow things down, thanks!

A VCO from Look Mum no computer. Basic but solid, they name this a “performance” VCO, which means (to me) that it’s intended to be stable in live performance without any tinkering. Though you can adjust voltage trims from the front of the unit, which is nice in a live setting.
Limited modifications, but what you’ll need.
Sounds pretty good.
Some finicky parts in the build. There is one surface mount oscillator chip, and one rotary switch that took me a bit to get on. And getting the trim pot screws through the front panel was tricky.
Calibration is straightforward, but may take you some time.

At first I would think about including an effects module. Minimum FX Aid https://www.modulargrid.net/e/happy-nerding-fx-aid-black-gold but I would recommend a clone of MI Clouds, for example https://www.modulargrid.net/e/after-later -audio-monsoon and to semi-randomly sequence gates and cv a clone of MI Marbles, for example https://www.modulargrid.net/e/after-later-audio-antumbra-cara. I think these two modules would perfectly complement your voices.
In the utilities field, better 4 than 2 vcas, with a contained price you have NANO MODULES ALT https://www.modulargrid.net/e/nano-modules-alt and a somewhat more expensive classic, but easily found in the second-hand market Intellijel quad vca https://www.modulargrid.net/e/intellijel-quad-vca.
You could remove the 2HP Tune and the Doepfer A-160-5.
I would add a filter perhaps, but you only have 4Hp left free...
Without jumping to the second case, it would remain like this.
That is my modest suggestion.
ModularGrid Rack

I've decided to take a leap into modular synthesis and wanted to start with a small sort of generative drone synth with an added wavetable VCO with the ability to be used melodically. My case is the Moog 104hp, as I like the ability to expand it vertically with the bracket.

ModularGrid Rack

The Weather_drones, Maths, and Wavetable VCO are modules that I definitely will be keeping, but others are stuff I would consider changing. I also am unsure of what sequencer others might recommend, as well as just other modules to help it achieve its desired purpose.

Any advice is appreciated, thanks!

I have a Model D, Poly D, and a couple other small pieces of commodity/utility gear from Behringer, and agree that the accessibility of their reissue work has really opened the world of synths to a lot of people that otherwise wouldn't get into it. However, in addition to the examples of Dave Smith and Oberheim noted above, the latest scenario with Mutable Instruments last year is why I've decided to avoid their modular gear going forward. I know Emilie made the designs open source and that has been a big boon for smaller companies making clones or variations on the designs (After Later, Cal Synth, etc), but it's an entirely different scenario when a large corporation lifts the design without giving credit (Mutable Plaits -> Behringer Brains). If they end up producing their clones of the Synthi or the Music Easel, I might consider it, but I'll be thinking about it way longer and harder than I did when I bought my Boog clones.

So yes, buy the modules that interest you, but I think there's a place for personal responsibility in whom we support with our dollars.

I want to announce a project that I have been working on for a while now and that has now been launched as beta.

OpenSoundLab (OSL) makes modular sound patching three dimensional in a mixed reality experience using Meta Quest's passthrough mode. Patch simple or complex sounds at home, in your studio or in the field. Learn the foundations of creative sound work through video tutorials that are placed right within your patch.

OSL is a fork of Logan Olson's magnificent SoundStage VR. OSL enhances the original version so that it is better suited for performing in the context of experimental electronic sound and music, to make it feel less like a game and more like an actual sound laboratory. We recreate the experience of working in spatial setups, but without being bound to mimicking the physical past. Where are the limits of the digital realm, and where are its sweet spots?

The project received generous funding by an educational grant of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (IDCE FHNW).

Please head over to GitHub where you can find binaries, the source code, a trailer, some video tutorials and a research paper.


This is exactly how I got into modular, although my entry-drug was a Neutron. I thought a MI Clouds would satisfy my effects needs, so I got a Behringer Eurorack Rack (includes a power module) and stuffed it into my 19"-studiorack. Another filter would be nice, I thought. So it started ...
Well, as Jim said, several modulation and utility modules later the rack was full and I built a 6u 104hp-case out of beech wood, screwed some rails into it and continued my journey. And yes, it's expensive, but there are ways to keep the budget reasonable. Always check the classifieds, get clones where it's possible (and ethically justifiable) and think about DIY.

IMO I think you need something to make a bass base and some drums. A module I see in almost every Techno oriented rack is BIAS, very versatile as it can give you all kinds of aggressive percussion and bass lines. It incorporates its own envelope.
https://www.modulargrid.net/e/noise-engineering-basimilus-iteritas-alter-black. What I will say is not going to be very popular, but due to the size of the case you have, I would change the MOSKWA for a NE Mimetic https://www.modulargrid.net/e/noise-engineering-mimetic-digitalis-black, half of size, 4 CV outputs. And with the space freed up, I would add either a small VCO feeding one of the Percall inputs for a bass base, thus freeing up the BIA for percussion, or a percussion module with CV control, for example https://www. modulargrid.net/e/befaco-kickall
(reduced size)
or https://www.modulargrid.net/e/patching-panda-bd-z

A live patch and jam session on two Moog Mother 32's, DFAM, Plaits, and BIA. Qu-Bit Nautilus, Imitor Versio, and Desmodus Versio provide depth and atmosphere. Modulation by ochd and Vector Space. Sound EQ, compression, and stereo placement by SCLPL, MSCL, and SoundStage. Recorded on a Zoom H2n.



and the link

ModularGrid Rack

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Hi all,

I would like your opinion about (another) Techno focused Palette Rack. The main purpose of this rack is live performance improvisation.

Here is the Rack:


And a bit info about it:

Sequencing: Moswka / Ostankino for lead voices and Euclidean Circles for drums and fancy triggering.

Drums: 2 Samples from the Erica Synth Drums, some HiHats from the Doepfer Noise Generator / Percall. I might add a Kick here.

Voice(s): At the moment just Manis Iteritas as gritty voice. I am thinking to include a more “gentle” voice. Keep in mind that I only have one voice to sequence, but I usually like to find workarounds (precision adders, inverting triggers, things like that).

FX: Wasp Filter and FX AID for some delay/reverb ambient.

Mixing: I do have a DIY 5 channel mix on the rack, but I also have a 1010music BlueBox outside.

Modulation: OCHD and Clep Diaz as main modulation actors. I also have a noise source with Sample and Hold.

Utilities. Plenty of mults (Palette + some passive mults 1U that I already have), besides Percall, a dual VCA (one 1 use it exclusively for ducking effect), one 4x attenuverter (planning to obtaining another one in the 28HP 1U spare space), MIDI, etc.

So pretty much I have a 28HP 1U space, that I am pretty confident I will end up having more attenuverters, and 12 HP 3U.... and here is when I am not sure what to do. Some options I have in mind:

A second voice (something like Plaits / Rings perhaps?). A regular VCO is pretty much discarded due of the lack of envelope generators in my rack.

A Kick, so I can use the sample for something else.

More modulation. Who can say not to that?

More utilities.

Probably the smartest: nothing. Wait and see what I miss.

A more decent mixing so I don’t need to use the Bluebox (perhaps a Drum Mixer Lite, because of the included compressor)

Any ideas / suggestions are pretty much appreciated it.


In your situation I'd just get a couple of effect pedals and a small mixer. There are loads of great reverbs, delays, etc, and a good used market. Modular is like stepping into a whole minefield that might be more complication than its worth for you.

Pretty sure it does. I've built one for a customer and checked with lfo's, manual cv, triggers and gates. Due to the nature of a vactrol, it'll need the incoming cv to rise above a certain treshold. The higher the incoming CV gets, the more it'll open the LPG. And of course: you can use a channel to process your envelope instead of audio, and use that output as cv for your audio channel.

Does anyone know, if the Jolin Agogo's LPGs responses follow incoming enevlopes? I ask, because using envelopes as CV on the Takaab 2LPG, for example, does not work that way. Here, a longer attack only delays the opening of the vactrol: the vactrol opens and closes, when a certain threshold is passed, which can be done using an envelope (you trigger/strike the vactrol with the envelope, basically), while filter and volume responses are solely determined by that vactrol's characteristics. So, can I shape the response of the Agogo LPGs to have a longer attack and/or decay time, using an envelope as CV, like I can using the Ctrl input on the Make Noise Optomix?
-- klngvrhltnss

My music on Bandcamp - Instagram - YouTube

I ordered a Doepfer A138B to @symbiosis and everything fine.
Well packaged and a Module in very good condition.
Highly recommended seller.

Does anyone know, if the Jolin Agogo's LPGs responses follow incoming enevlopes? I ask, because using envelopes as CV on the Takaab 2LPG, for example, does not work that way. Here, a longer attack only delays the opening of the vactrol: the vactrol opens and closes, when a certain threshold is passed, which can be done using an envelope (you trigger/strike the vactrol with the envelope, basically), while filter and volume responses are solely determined by that vactrol's characteristics. So, can I shape the response of the Agogo LPGs to have a longer attack and/or decay time, using an envelope as CV, like I can using the Ctrl input on the Make Noise Optomix?

Something worth considering is to go with the Expert Sleepers FH-2 and turning the Disting mk4 into a Disting EX. Getting the FH-2 is simply to make space for the EX. The FH-2 may not be what you want in this case in which case this would be moot but it seems like they would have the same purpose for this system. The EX is basically the same as the mk4 but it is 100x easier to use. If the FH-2 works for you, I would do this. You also get the benefit of having two mk4s in one.

In regards to a pitch sequencer, which I do agree that you should probably look at, it depends on what you'd want. If you have something like an MPC One you can pretty easily use that. Same with a midi keyboard. A common one that is used with modular systems are the Arturia Keysteps. The Digitalis is a good small option.

Thank you for your feedback. I will look into the Mimetic Digitalis. Any specific LFO you have in mind?

I updated the post above with a link to the rack.

Hmm... I have a Behringer Neutron & Model D & 2600 all work well and as they should. Very good price-quality ratio.

I also have 9 pcs of Behringer eurorack modules.
In terms of quality, they are no worse than modules from other manufacturers. In fact, even better than a few manufacturers. My current modular currently has 69 modules and behringer's modules are actually the 2500 & System-100 modules I use the most at the moment. Apparently some of Behringer's early system-100 and system-55 modules have had a calibration problem. At least for System-100, the problem has been fixed.
In terms of durability, of course, the potentiometers could be attached to the front panel and not directly on the circuit board.
I will continue to buy Behringer modules if I find a module that interests me.

Buy the modules that interest you.

Please paste a link to your rack. It is easier to see the function of each module and to be able to comment on it.
ModularGrid Rack

As you will read in most posts, a bigger box. Maybe a 6U or 7U, if you like 1U modules.
It all depends on what kind of sound you are looking for.
At first glance, from what I see, all your pitch sources are random, coming from Chance, think maybe include a small pitch sequencer, to have more melodic control.
For example https://www.modulargrid.net/e/noise-engineering-mimetic-digitalis-black takes up little space.
It would not be a bad idea to also add an LFO with CV and resettable additional to Maths, they are affordable modules, they consume few HP.

How about something like Midi Shaper for the pre-arranged ones since you can store multiple waves https://www.cableguys.com/midishaper.html

Then you can configure a shuttle port to be "CC Smoothed" which will convert MIDI CC to CV out of the shuttle control (-5 to +5).

You can also configure a CV port on the shuttle as LFO Sample and hold. The frequency of the S&H can be adjusted by cc# so you can map a knob to change S&H frequency.

A complete instructional video :

Same here, the grid is all jumbled up.

I've been looking at modular for a while, and tried to read and learn as much as possible. Here are the current plans for my first rack:

My goal is to both have some form of generative functionality, while also being able to create ambient background music. I have other instruments and such, so this is mostly just a fun additional thing to play with.

Am I missing something obvious in this rack? Any glaring faults or problems?

Now that I'm enjoying my synth computer-less, what's a good way to get some stereo delay and reverb, and also a stereo headphone jack output? (I'm not using speakers, so 1/4" outputs are not needed).

unless you really want to commit to eurorack (which, be warned, may tie up all your disposable income for years) then you may be better off with a smallish mixer that has built in digital effects - it's possible that one of these may also work as an audio interface, which would be a bonus

I was thinking maybe an effects module (such as Mutable Instruments Beads/Clouds) plus an "ALM019 - HPO" could do the trick.

modular effects rack = modular synth where the sound source is external

still need to think about modulation sources and utilities... so make sure you leave space to expand into in the case whatever you buy...

clouds cries out for at least a couple of channels of modulation sources - possibly one or more lfos plus random or chaotic - and attenuators or attenuverters as a minimum

beads has attenurandomisers built in, but would still benefit from lfos

I could make my own wooden box for these, but then I'd need a power supply. Should I get a eurorack power supply/bus and just use that, further complicating something seemingly small? I'm not yet ready to take the Model D out if its box, but perhaps I could tap it's power supply?

wooden boxes are easy - buy rails & threaded inserts though - they make life much easier & make bigger than you think you'll need - 6u 1-4hp is a good starter size

& yes you'll need a power supply - I like befaco excalibus which is available built or as a kit

as the model d has a powered case already I'd keep it in there... taking it out ans putting it in a larger case is a waste

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I would describe myself as a hobbyist noisemaker, never a musician.

I've got a standalone Behringer Model D, and it's very fun to play with. I just got a LaunchKey Mini and its MIDI out cable. This enables me to not need a computer/midi-host.

Now that I'm enjoying my synth computer-less, what's a good way to get some stereo delay and reverb, and also a stereo headphone jack output? (I'm not using speakers, so 1/4" outputs are not needed).

I was thinking maybe an effects module (such as Mutable Instruments Beads/Clouds) plus an "ALM019 - HPO" could do the trick.

I could make my own wooden box for these, but then I'd need a power supply. Should I get a eurorack power supply/bus and just use that, further complicating something seemingly small? I'm not yet ready to take the Model D out if its box, but perhaps I could tap it's power supply?

Any suggestions are welcome!

EDIT: I forgot the title, perhaps such a box already exists? I'd love to hear about it!