I got this because for some reason there are no good eurorack mixers with effects sends and pans that are reasonably priced. This one fit exactly what I needed. The build quality is A+. There are 2 issues though.

1-The layout is just dumb. They didn't lay it out like a typical sequencer as a grid. HATE THAT.
2-The mute buttons are cramped in click switches. Not a major thing, but I can't really perform with mutes like that.

Good mixer for what it is otherwise. I'd recommend it just for the sends alone. If you have detailed needs, you're going to have to whip out a grand or simply use external gear.

I came to the conclusion a while back that there are no perfect mixers out there in Eurorack.
I'm ending up with a hotch-potch of mixers to do the job, but this approach does work as you work on Sub-mixing before hitting a mixer you spent a bit more money on for the main outs.
You can get very well featured outboard mixers second hand on ebay etc for a fraction of the price of Eurorack that you would take up a full row of rack space, though I guess if you are doing a lot of Send-and-returns then you will end up filling rack space with modules to do that for the outboard gear.

Its a tough choice.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


When you compare the features and prices, on the one hand with eurorack mixer modules, and on the other hand with external mixers, things quickly become clear... But, especially in 'live' situations, it is difficult (or sporty :) to do without a mixing solution in the modular itself.

For my part, I adopted the following solution: if I want to stay warm, comfortably snuggled up on the modular side, it is a set of modules that will allow me to mix. Mono and/or stereo submixers (Doepfer A-138s and Befaco StMix), then a final hub (Erica Synths Black Stereo Mixer V3), and finally an output module (4ms Listen IO). Some other modules, which can be useful for other tasks, come in reinforcement if necessary (DivKid Mutes, Intellijell Tetrapad and Planar, Vcas, etc.)

If things become more serious, I believe that only an external mixing via a DAW, for example, will allow to work with precision (with Eqs, volume or filter automations, compressions, etc.) In this case, a module like the Expert Sleepers ES-9 (or ES-8) will be useful.

Everyone may freely work in their own way, only the pleasure of playing, and the result (sometimes also ;) count.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

1-The layout is just dumb. They didn't lay it out like a typical sequencer as a grid. HATE THAT.

-- tatsuchan

Of course they didnt. Its a mixer, ya goof!