Hello everyone
I'm very happy with this setup, but I can't find a good use for my expert-sleeper design beyond using it as an effects processor. Any ideas?
There are two voices sequenced by O_C plus 3 percussion voices filtered by hp. Modulation and envelopes by Harlequin context and pam's.
Thank you for your time and interest.

One feature among many others, but I really like this one: noise (H-7 Noise). ‘If 'blended' is chosen, the noise color can be smoothly swept from violet to red with the Z knob/CV‘. This allows you to choose exactly your type of noise... Useful for random, texture, percs, etc.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Good reminder @Sweelinck I often think I'd like more noise and totally forget that Disting does it.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Between Pam's, Maths, Harlequin's Context and O_C, there are a lot of Disting functions which it might seem like other modules already cover. Nevertheless, there are some unique and interesting algorithms to explore. The shift registers (F5-F8) are a good way to introduce some "controllable" randomness into your patch. I've had fun with the Wavetable VCO (K1), and loading wavetables on the latest firmware is much easier now. Also, the waveform animator (D3) can bring richness and depth to an otherwise thin VCO. Also, I'll second what @Sweelinck said about the H7 Noise function; it's great.

TBH I was in the same boat with my Disting for a while. It was stuck on the delays for a long time before I just decided to pick some functions more or less at random and explore them. Even now though, it is still mostly an effects processor. However, these massive and deep modules are good to understand because they allow you to get an idea and think about how you might approach it. There have been a few times where I was thankful for a good precision adder or yet another quantizer. I guess I just mean that my favourite patches have been weird and not quite standard. Knowing the module helps you chase a sound or even surprise yourself... the joys of modular :-)

Thank you for your answers. For the noise I already have the second channel of the twin waves. I'll try the wave animator for the first channel of the twin waves. Thank you for taking the time to respond.

Best regards and good patches.