This thing is brilliant. Perfectly simple and 1000% useful.

I feel a lot of feels for this. I started my case with the Cr8 Nifty as well. Still enjoying it and I've not made any further steps of expansion. As Lugia stated, the biggest draw back is jamming it full to the point of not having finger space. For now that doesn't cause enough pain to change, but I can see it coming down the road. I was pretty specific in what I wanted, and maybe most of all I wanted a small amount of HP to insist on being specific. My goals were a random-ish, single voice, musique concrete tool to supplement other gear I use (Korg SQ-1, many delay/loop/verb/ring mod pedal options, Arturia Drubrute Impact, KaosPad 3, and a myriad of cassette looping tools and shortwave radios.

For sharing purposes:
Uplaits (main voice)
Tiptop Forbidden Planet Filter
Deopfer Dual VCA
Bastl LOL Mute
2hp Div
ST Modular Mia 2x2 crossfade mixer
Bastl Hendriks Pedal Interface

I decided to learn everything really well, embrace boundaries and not worry about what I can't do quite yet. My current setup is hours of fun and the Make Noise modules are pretty endless, as far as learning goes. The uPlaits has been a great voice option. That said, things I look at lately are a filter with separate ins and outs (the Tiptop filter sounds amazing though), Resonant EQs, Low Pass Gates, and a more stable clock source (Woggle is fine, but it's limited). Pams is def on the list. I also use the SQ1 a lot for clock.

Anyway, enjoying the comments and suggestions here. So much to learn.