Hello there,

I am attempting to use one of the clock divided delays on the fx aid xl.

specifically the (delay mono_clk)

the manual says to plug the clock into the right input and the audio into the left, with the outputs in stereo.

I am getting complete pass thru of the clock signal into the right output, making this side essentially unusable.

Are any other fx aid users having this issue?
is my clock signal too hot?
it is coming from the erica black sequencer, unsure of voltage.

Thank you.

Haven't used that effect but the Pro manual says you need to set the Dry/Wet mix to 100% wet or else you will hear the clock, it should be the same for the XL.

Oh interesting, thank you, I will try that.

This was the solution^

I had good results using a triangle wave for the clock signal as well. Because it doesn't have the sharp edge, it's inaudible. As a consequence, you can continue using the dry/wet mix of the FX Aid and you don't need to mix dry back in afterwards.

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