Hello all, I'm a complete beginner, who over the last few months has spent a huge amount of time watching videos, checking out posts and some VCV rack. There is alot to take in if this is all new to you plus a huge range of modules to choose from.

So if you could point me in the right direction (as I could get totally lost) and advise on starter options, that would be a huge help.

I am looking to build an ambient set up, generative is of interest to me too.

Set up so far
Cre8Audio - Niftycase 84hp
Behringer brains - MI Plaits clone ( already feel After Later Audio Beehive would be better & less hp)
Ladik S-610 Composser N - random sequencer.

Not much space but can't wait to start making some sounds and having fun - Module number 3? what should it be...

Thanks in advance for anyone who can advise.

Welcome to the forum! Others will chime in as well but first - get a bigger case. Mantis gets advised often as it's pretty good value for money. You can say now you want to start small. But a modular setup grows and you'll be happy not to be stuck in 84hp after a few months. I can vouch for that - I wanted to start in 84hp and I'm at around 400hp now, a year and a half into it.

Then, about how modular works. To get a note, you need a trigger (note NOW please) and a note value. The Ladik 610 will give you some note values from the CV out. But it also needs a trigger in. So you'll need a clock source and/or sequencer of some kind. Take a look at Pamela's New Workout (or Pro Workout). It features a clock and several kinds of organised triggers. Call it a clock-and-sequencer if you like.

So now you have your Plaits clone getting a trigger and a note value. The good thing with Plaits is that it can take a trigger - it saves you some complexity of adding VCAs and envelope generators. Plaits output isn't ready to listen to, though. How are you going to listen? Headphones? Connect to the line in of an amp or powered speakers? In any case, you'll need an output module. I started with the Befaco Out, which I thought was a good little module. There's plenty of others, like the higher end Joranalogue Transmit 2 in case you need XLR out (you probably don't).

With those 4, you'll have a basic setup: triggering notes, setting the tone, and sending it out. You still don't have filters or effects. And with other oscillators, you'll need VCAs and envelopes. And there's a billion options for sequencing as well, internal as well as external (Beatstep Pro is a good starting place for an external sequencer for modular). But if you want to start really small, it will work fine and give you plenty to explore.

Modular playlist on SoundCloud

Hi, Welcome,
I am also relatively new, a little over a year ago.
More than suggesting specific modules, I am going to give you some opinions and suggestions.
-Case point. It's a shame you already have the case, 3U 84HP is a very limited space. Surely in a short time you will have to choose to expand. I wanted to start with 3U 104HP, in the end I started with 6U 104HP and a few months ago I added 3U 104hp more. They are not full at all, maybe 70%.
-Brains point. I am not a fan of brand B but what I can tell you is to avoid "reduced" modules. If you go for MI clones, you better try to buy them in the original size.
-Next module point. I am not sure which clock you are going to use to trigger both the VCO and the sequencer...
In your case, and to have as many functions as possible, I would recommend Pamela's NEW Workout.
A single module that offers you clock and modulation functions. In the second-hand market you can find this version at a very good price.
For me this would be the next module, with a Veils type VCA.
The clones are at a good price.
For example https://www.modulargrid.net/e/tlm-audio-vacs-veils-2-clone
Now to continue you will surely need function generators (Maths, Rampage or similar), effects (important for generative and ambient), matrix mixer, LFO's (Batumi,...), and surely incorporate another voice, perhaps an MI Rings (a classic), or a complex VCO.
Money money money...

Thanks for spending the time to advise - it seems that even at this early stage I have not made the best choices as far as what I have purchased.

The Niftycase for it's price although small was classed as a beginner case and with enough conections, including plugging into pc with later a module going to the "to out" on the front of the case. It has its own power and looked like everything you need to start your eurorack adventures apart from the modules. Bigger cases would be great and I have seen some that I would have loved to have bought such as the Rackbrute (thanks Arrandan for pointing out the "Mantis"). But I am happy to upgrade over time and evolve as my knowledge/modules increase.

The initail idea was to begin with 2 or 3 modules that would produce sounds that i could explore, have fun and expand on.

I will look at Veils and it's clone forms, thankyou...I imagine doing it properly (quad) rather than a dual such as the ALA https://reverb.com/uk/item/38278842-after-later-audio-dvca-dual-vca-veils-redesigned-module

This has become quite an adventure already...

Thanks for spending the time to advise - it seems that even at this early stage I have not made the best choices as far as what I have purchased.

That's entirely normal and part of the exploration! Because that's what modular is. You don't buy a prefab instrument that goes "pling" when you pull a string or press a key. You buy a rack because you'll be adding modules as you explore the possibilities of synthesis.

The initail idea was to begin with 2 or 3 modules that would produce sounds that i could explore, have fun and expand on.
-- EuroBadger

Yeah, but as indicated above, 2-3 modules are very, very limited. It's like getting a small box of regular Lego blocks. Sure, you can build a little house with a basic roof. Roof tiles, wheels for a car, little men, ... All of those are extra purchases. Here too: Plaits is a very good starting point because of the built-in trigger. So learn it, then when you consider your next step (add a second sound at the same time? add drums? add an effect?), add modules. I started with I think just under 10 modules, just to get a few sounds going.

Modular playlist on SoundCloud

From what you say I understand that you will use MIDI to take both clock and CV from the computer to the case. You can use VCV Rack to generate the main clock and bring in some CV signals to modulate. You can start like this, of course, but keep in mind that:
-Managing the knobs "physically" is like a drug, once you try it you won't want to use the PC for it.
-To experiment in the field of generative and ambient, an effects module will give you many possibilities. I wouldn't know which one to recommend, since I'm not really into that field yet.
-Sooner rather than later you are going to need EG's, LFO's and VCA's, apart from additional utilities. Prioritize them before additional voices.

-Managing the knobs "physically" is like a drug, once you try it you won't want to use the PC for it
-- ferranadsr

I was not planning to use pc other than for audio to speakers, on recieving the items I have bought I might be producing no sounds at all at this point! Managing the knobs and patching generative and seeing where we go is the goal and its exciting.

As far as effects I am unsure, although listening to Qu-Bit modules has been a great experience.

Again huge thank you to you all - the advice/knowledge has been taken onboard - I am looking for a VCA currently steering towards
Veils @12hp https://www.modulargrid.net/e/mutable-instruments-veils
or Doepfer a-135 2v Quad VCA / VC Mixer https://www.modulargrid.net/e/doepfer-a-135-2v @8hp.

Veils @12hp https://www.modulargrid.net/e/mutable-instruments-veils
or Doepfer a-135 2v Quad VCA / VC Mixer https://www.modulargrid.net/e/doepfer-a-135-2v @8hp.
veils is discontinued. you will go for a clone or secondhand market

veils is discontinued. you will go for a clone or secondhand market
-- ferranadsr

Found 2nd hand originals on Ebay here in UK . The Doepfer quad VCA mixer from a site reduced and new for £110, last one in stock. Need to decide on which one though.

veils is discontinued. you will go for a clone or secondhand market
-- ferranadsr

Found 2nd hand originals on Ebay here in UK . The Doepfer quad VCA mixer from a site reduced and new for £110, last one in stock. Need to decide on which one though.

-- EuroBadger
imho veils

Ambient, generative. 3 modules, small case.
‘What else?’

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Ambient, generative. 3 modules, small case.
‘What else?"

-- Sweelinck

Thanks, I was interested in Qu-Bit and this was great.

imho veils
-- ferranadsr

I agree. I have one original and 2x the After Later clone. I wanted to buy something like a Tesseract Sweet16 but that wasn't available. I already had the OG Veils & added the two clones. Great as a VCA, with offset, lin/exp control and a decent amp in it, and great as a controller for live.

Modular playlist on SoundCloud

I have to agree that the Nifty Case is very, very tempting. For appox. 200 Euro you get Midi-to-CV and VCA built in. But, indeed, it ain't very future proof. Maybe a nice "extra" portable mini-modular setup (for later on after buying your first serious case) if you don't mind the 200 bucks...

I have to agree that the Nifty Case is very, very tempting. Maybe a nice "extra" portable mini-modular setup (for later on after buying your first serious case) if you don't mind the 200 bucks...
-- MeneerJansen

The Niftycase will last me a while but there may be a time when I will have to move on.
I think I have found what will be my serious case - Rackbrute 6U ( but then i'll have to buy an output module...oh the financial pain!)

I have to agree that the Nifty Case is very, very tempting. Maybe a nice "extra" portable mini-modular setup (for later on after buying your first serious case) if you don't mind the 200 bucks...
-- MeneerJansen

The Niftycase will last me a while but there may be a time when I will have to move on.
I think I have found what will be my serious case - Rackbrute 6U ( but then i'll have to buy an output module...oh the financial pain!)

-- EuroBadger

I took the "El Cheapo" plunge a few days ago and bought me a Nifty Case and 2 very small modules. I think it'll last me quite a while though. Because nowadays thare are a mother-load of modules to choose from that are only 4 to 8 HP wide. For instance good ol' Doepfer (which, if I'm not mistaken, is a very well respected brand in the community), Rides In The Storm and Erica Synths with their "Pico" range. It forces you to keep your setup small and "workable".

Another pro of a small rack it that it's so easy to fit into your setup/work space or even to take with you to a friends' house to jam. In another topic there's a discussion on what people rather have: a few smaller racks or a big one againts the wall in a fixed place in the house. Some like a collection of 104 cases better...

I took the "El Cheapo" plunge a few days ago and bought me a Nifty Case and 2 very small modules. I think it'll last me quite a while though. Because nowadays thare are a mother-load of modules to choose from that are only 4 to 8 HP wide.

-- MeneerJansen

What 2 modules did you buy? (Ah I have justed seen your 2 modules on your eurorack)

My set up began with a Plaits clone (Behringer Brains- but at 16HP its bigger than the original) as it was cheaper but meant I had a module that was my voice. I could play around with it and start my eurorack journey. I also bought a Ladik composser N (as my random turing machine) which is great and I think 4HP but as it was explained to me I did not have a "clock" to trigger the Ladik. So I went on the hunt for a second hand Pamelas new workout - which is amazing and have started to make more interesting sounds. The menu is very simple to pick up but I am now wondering what to get next?

My set up will become a semi/generative ambient unit in time but am in no rush to fill a case...just looking at modules wondering what will go well with what I have so far? Maybe I can buy another module before the end of the year.

I took the "El Cheapo" plunge a few days ago and bought me a Nifty Case and 2 very small modules. I think it'll last me quite a while though. Because nowadays thare are a mother-load of modules to choose from that are only 4 to 8 HP wide.

-- MeneerJansen

What 2 modules did you buy? (Ah I have justed seen your 2 modules on your eurorack)

My set up began with a Plaits clone (Behringer Brains- but at 16HP its bigger than the original) as it was cheaper but meant I had a module that was my voice. I could play around with it and start my eurorack journey. I also bought a Ladik composser N (as my random turing machine) which is great and I think 4HP but as it was explained to me I did not have a "clock" to trigger the Ladik. So I went on the hunt for a second hand Pamelas new workout - which is amazing and have started to make more interesting sounds. The menu is very simple to pick up but I am now wondering what to get next?

My set up will become a semi/generative ambient unit in time but am in no rush to fill a case...just looking at modules wondering what will go well with what I have so far? Maybe I can buy another module before the end of the year.

-- EuroBadger

That Behringer Brains module will keep you busy for quite a while I think! Excellent choice for a versatile oscillator/voice.

I bought the 2 modules that are on the 'My Modular' here on Modulargrid. I wanted an extension for my other synths. As is the case with most people, the modular setup isn't exactly my first synth. As a matter of fact: I've got more than enough of 'm. So no shortage of oscillators and (Midi) sequencers. But I wanted a 24 dB/oct filter.

So I bought the Rides In The Storm 'SED' filter. At first I wanted the copy of the famous Moog modular filter from Behringer (the 904A) but it was sold out everywhere. And it's meant for the typical way that the Moog modular system of the late 60's works. Hmmmm. Module after module appeared not to work the way I thought/expected, so I went safe and bought 2 modules (EG and Filter) from the same manufacturer.

I like the Dreadbox 'Eudemonia' 24 dB/oct filter too, but I read in it's manual that the CV needs to be operated at -5 V to +5 V (which is the standard for an LFO, not an envelope generator). The other input is labelled 1V/oct which I think is meant for keyboard tracking, not an envelope (the 'SED''s got both!). Getting into modular is hard if you ain't got no experience yet.

Anyway, I'm more than happy with the two. They have a ton of functionality, some of it a bit "under the hood". For many modules the manual ain't very good/informative. I might post my personals "how to" I wrote down in a text document on the two.

Gonna buy me an evelope follower with Gate functionality soon so I can use the filter with an audio siganl (like an auto-Wah).

So I bought the Rides In The Storm 'SED' filter. At first I wanted the copy of the famous Moog modular filter from Behringer (the 904A) but it was sold out everywhere. And it's meant for the typical way that the Moog modular system of the late 60's works. Hmmmm. Module after module appeared not to work the way I thought/expected, so I went safe and bought 2 modules (EG and Filter) from the same manufacturer.

I'd grab a midi->cv module soonish - using v/oct for the cutoff is a classic technique...

I like the Dreadbox 'Eudemonia' 24 dB/oct filter too, but I read in it's manual that the CV needs to be operated at -5 V to +5 V (which is the standard for an LFO, not an envelope generator). The other input is labelled 1V/oct which I think is meant for keyboard tracking, not an envelope (the 'SED''s got both!). Getting into modular is hard if you ain't got no experience yet.

see above re: v/oct...

I'm not sure I'd have got into modular just to get a filter - there are 'pedals' that can do that - especially for the moog filter - a moogerfooger lpf would have done the job - expensive and only available on the used market in hardware form - but may have alleviated the modular bug/gas! also I think dreadbox make or made some standalone filters and then there's teh obvious sherman filter bank etc...

re the voltage mismatch: this is what offset modules are for - something like the happy nerding 3 * mia, for example - attenuate/attenuvert and offset... it's why we keep saying utilities are so important... (see signasture)

Anyway, I'm more than happy with the two. They have a ton of functionality, some of it a bit "under the hood". For many modules the manual ain't very good/informative. I might post my personals "how to" I wrote down in a text document on the two.

Gonna buy me an evelope follower with Gate functionality soon so I can use the filter with an audio siganl (like an auto-Wah).
-- MeneerJansen

envelope follower with gate is a good idea - always useful - you might want more envelopes then though!!!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I'd grab a midi->cv module soonish - using v/oct for the cutoff is a classic technique...
I'm not sure I'd have got into modular just to get a filter - there are 'pedals' that can do that

re the voltage mismatch: this is what offset modules are for - something like the happy nerding 3 * mia, for example - attenuate/attenuvert and offset... it's why we keep saying utilities are so important... (see signasture)

-- JimHowell1970

You're right. That's why I went for the Nifty Case. It's got Midi to CV conversion on board: 2 CV/gate outputs for 2 Midi channels + mod + clock output. A pedal/stompbox, like you said, can do the same (w/ an envelope follower). But, like you implied I think, that might not be the ideal companion for a synthesizer: Midi to CV is.

I didn't buy these modules to keep it at that. I wanted to dip my toes in. The way it is now 85% (72 of the 84 HP) of the case is still empty and ready for future "G.A.S.". And given the choice in excellent modules of about 4 to 8 HP I'm sure it will be a nice little companion for my synths in a few years or months. :)

I've already orderd my next module: an envelope follower/gate.

I've got my eyes on a few sample & hold modules like the Doepfer A-118-2, Doepfer A-184-1 or the Erica Synths Pico LFO/S&H. I'll see what modules I'll want to/need connect to the S&H of my choosing.

Next might be an oscillator.

And given the choice in excellent modules of about 4 to 8 HP I'm sure it will be a nice little companion for my synths in a few years or months. :)

I would also serioulsy consider larger modules than this - otherwise ergonomics will become an issue!

I've already orderd my next module: an envelope follower/gate.

I've got my eyes on a few sample & hold modules like the Doepfer A-118-2, Doepfer A-184-1 or the Erica Synths Pico LFO/S&H. I'll see what modules I'll want to/need connect to the S&H of my choosing.

Next might be an oscillator.
-- MeneerJansen

odd hp modules are a pita.... you end pu with gaps... personally I try to avoid abything less than 4hp and prefer bigger modules where possible... much easier to get at the knobs then!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Every rack will benefit from Pamelas Workout (New/Pro). Definitely a great 3rd module

Every rack will benefit from Pamelas Workout (New/Pro). Definitely a great 3rd module
-- 33PO

I am very happy with PNW with the minimal amount of dabbling I have done with it. My issue now is what effect module to get?

Yes having something that can do a wide range of things should be a good starting point - looked at the Expert Sleepers Disting MK4...then I saw the Qu bit Aurora! spectral reverb.

So many modules to look at but always fearful of too much of a function overlap.

What would you all consider to be a safe purchase within the ambient / generative field?

Disting MK4 is a great multifunction module that does a lot more than just FX. Unfortunately the interface is not intuitive and that can be an obsticle for some people. Disting EX includes a screen and has a better UI, but the interface can still be cumbersome.

Happy Nerding FX Aid Pro would be the way to go if you just want an FX unit. It does everything well and has a clear UI

Endorphines Ghost looks like an awesome all in one multi-FX unit

Everything QuBit makes is top-notch, but for a smaller system I'd go with a module that can run different algorithms or one that can do multi-FX. If all you're looking for is FX I'd go with FX Aid Pro (or one of the smaller FX Aid) or Ghost. If you think you might want FX+Tuner+Quantizer+SamplePlayer+CoffeeMaker then go with one of the Disting

-EDIT: Take a look at Noise Engineering Versio platform. These can load different FX firmwares

Everything QuBit makes is top-notch, but for a smaller system I'd go with a module that can run different algorithms or one that can do multi-FX.
-- 33PO

Thank you for the new options,I need to research something new as I have been fixated on Qu Bit Aurora for a few weeks now. You are correct, that with my lack of HP I need modules that can do many things - it still is hard not to want an Aurora though...oh life is hard.

(...) with my lack of HP I need modules that can do many things - it still is hard not to want an Aurora though...oh life is hard.

-- EuroBadger

If I may, think a moment about what you just wrote here. Music is not there to make you suffer...
Please, solve first your case problem. You will find again ‘the light (and fun) side of the modular’ ;)

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Thank you for the new options,I need to research something new as I have been fixated on Qu Bit Aurora for a few weeks now. You are correct, that with my lack of HP I need modules that can do many things - it still is hard not to want an Aurora though...oh life is hard.

-- EuroBadger

I also got a Aurora for the purpose of Ambient stuff. You should be aware, that Aurora is not a easy module and very special. Its not a module to feed just anything in and get ambient stuff out. I guess it would be at first better to get a more versetaile fx module for starters. If you get Aurora and realize that you cant tame it - there is also a alternative firmware to use it as a conventinal reverb. Its worth to check it out in depth before you buy it - what it does excactly and if its suitable for your taste.



Please, solve first your case problem. You will find again ‘the light (and fun) side of the modular’ ;)
-- Sweelinck

Thankyou, my case issues are now in hand. When my original case is looking full I will be on the look out for a Rackbrute 6U. Fun has been had so far but with such a huge selection of options at what can be high prices, working out what you should buy and why can turn into a headache for the beginner.

I guess it would be at first better to get a more versetaile fx module for starters. If you get Aurora and realize that you cant tame it - there is also a alternative firmware to use it as a conventinal reverb. Its worth to check it out in depth before you buy it - what it does excactly and if its suitable for your taste.


The researching for a FX module has now begun, am passing on the Disting MK4 purely because I want dials to twiddle.

What I have researched so far regarding effects modules has lead me to 2 options at the moment due to the hp size and possible cost.

FX AID XL from Happy Nerding Vs Endorphin.es Milky Way - both at 6hp

The Milky Way with 16 effects is half of the XL

The search will continue...

What I have researched so far regarding effects modules has lead me to 2 options at the moment due to the hp size and possible cost.

FX AID XL from Happy Nerding Vs Endorphin.es Milky Way - both at 6hp

The Milky Way with 16 effects is half of the XL

The search will continue...
-- EuroBadger

I have both the fx aid xl and the pro...

the biggest advantage the fx aid has over the milky way is that there are 200 algos available to load into 32 slots... not just 32 algos... or 16 in the case of the milky way...

the xl is very frustrating to work with though due to the use of LEDs as indicators for which slot is selected and needing a pdf to determine which algo is loaded in which slot...

seriously the pro is worth the extra hp and cost... it has almost all the algos pre loaded and most importantly has a screen so you can tell which algo is selected.... amongst other more useful features...

the xl is a great 2nd fx aid... you can set the 1st 32 slots on both to be the same - so the pro is a cheat sheet...

it may be a case of wait for the second case before getting one...but it is worth it...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

For Ambient fx, I like to drop in to check out:

Make Noise Mimeophon - I have great fun with it. Nice to apply modulation on it
but is matter of taste

Mu Beads - as well



the xl is very frustrating to work with though due to the use of LEDs as indicators for which slot is selected and needing a pdf to determine which algo is loaded in which slot...

seriously the pro is worth the extra hp and cost... it has almost all the algos pre loaded and most importantly has a screen so you can tell which algo is selected.... amongst other more useful features...

-- JimHowell1970

Thanks for the input - I was worried about the LED menu and having to work out what effect was chosen. The pro looks fantastic and the demo's have been very enjoyable - so many options. The hp size is a worry at the moment as it's a bit of a beast but I hope to change my B - Brains for a smaller plaits clone and get some hp back.

The Milky Way, looks fun with the tap button option but choices are minimal compared to the Pro.

Also enjoyed demo's of the TipTop Audio Z5000 Multi-Effect Module too.

Thanks for the input - I was worried about the LED menu and having to work out what effect was chosen. The pro looks fantastic and the demo's have been very enjoyable - so many options. The hp size is a worry at the moment as it's a bit of a beast but I hope to change my B - Brains for a smaller plaits clone and get some hp back.

I wouldn't go much smaller - a full size clone will save you 4hp... & I wouldn't go any smaller - otherwise you'll be into trimmers instead of proper pots and issues associated with them, plus poor ergonomics.... personally I wouldn't worry too much abou thtis - I'd put the money you'd spend on this towards a bigger case - and then not worry too much about the size of the modules - more about what they do...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities