Where'd you read the 150mA minimum requirement? Is there a maximum?

Can someone assist me buying a PSU for cv.ocd?

It's supposed to be:

"9-12V DC via a 2.1mm barrel plug with negative centre pin"

I've found some of these, but what confuses is me that the wattage of different PSUs fitting into this range waries quite a bit.

So since I purchased the CV:OCD, I can now generate pretty wild CV signals.

So what modules could be fun for this?

I already purchase MI Clouds for this.

Actually, if one purchases this:


Then it doesn't really matter, since that device has plenty of CV outs and costs only $95 plus shipping.

So I've been looking MIDI/CV interfaces and there are plenty of them in eurorack format.

However, I've noticed that some MIDI keyboards also come with USB/MIDI to CV interfaces, so rather than buying just a converter I could buy a keyboard that also has the converter.

Actually keyboards such as Arturia Keystep are more affordable than many eurorack USB/MIDI to CV interfaces.

But the Arturia Keystep for example seems to have only one CV out and one Gate Out.
So this is just one channel of CV, right?

But how many does one need?

As many as there are controllable parameters?

It would be useful if one could use some other module for either the input or the output.
Like some other effect such as compressor or distortion.

Then it would serve multiple purposes, rather than just input/output.

Wonder if something like this could be used for the I/O:


Well. If anything modular seems too much trouble, why bother at all.
Go for software.
-- wiggler55550

Do you think Crusher has similarities with Clouds?

I've used Crusher, but I haven't used Clouds.

Crusher is rather difficult to use though.

For better input they suggest:


I still think it would be easiest to buy the Intellijel Audio Interface, but
it's rather expensive at 249€.

Here are some suggestions:


They note that one can use some of the Doepfer modules such as the A-134 Pan for creating the output.

They also say that A119 is low-quality.

I was wondering, do I really need to purchase some "boutique" eurorack module to do the 5v to line conversion.
And could I perhaps get some normal audio mixer and use some adapters on it?
-- soundmodel

Neither Ladik nor Doepfer are "boutique"; they are at the lower end as far as pricing.
I guess you could use a mixer with a -20 db pad on the input.

Know someone with some electronics knowledge?

-- wiggler55550

They are "boutique" in the sense that I don't see them as useful in other than eurorack modulars.
Using a general mixer would be more "generic". Allowing one to use "general purpose" hardware, rather than specialized.
I don't think the eurorack modules really do anything special, they just do the attenuating accurately, precisely to the needs of the hardware.

Of course one could get something else for the output module:



A-119 is mono: "The pre-amp has two inputs: an unbalanced input for line level signals, with a gain factor of from 0 to 20, and a balanced input with a gain factor of from 0 to 500, for insertion of low level signals, for instance from a microphone or electric guitar"

On p. 4 in the manual it says that:

Symm. In
The 6.3 mm stereo full-size jack socket " is the
A-119’s balanced input, for low level signals such as
from a microphone, electric guitar, and so on.

A-139-2 is a headphone amplifier. You need to bring down the level going into the computer.
-- wiggler55550

I thought one needed to amplify the output signal. I wonder if there's some other Doepfer module that can handle the output.

There's also pretty affordable solution from Doepfer:

The A-119 Ext. In. as input (note the input there is stereo):


and A-139-2 as the output (this is also stereo):


I was wondering, do I really need to purchase some "boutique" eurorack module to do the 5v to line conversion.
And could I perhaps get some normal audio mixer and use some adapters on it?

It seems that Intellijel has Audio Interface II, but ladik has even more affordable modules:




I found:


But I wonder if there are other modules that would do what I need.

How will you handle the difference of voltage levels between your soundcard and your modular?

-- wiggler55550

I don't know.

Perhaps I need to buy some module to do this.

Could e.g. this power the Clouds:

-- soundmodel

Yes it can and does.
What are you going to feed into it?

-- wiggler55550

I'm going to connect it to my sound card and run stuff from my computer through it.

So I'm interested in the MI Clouds, but I don't have a modular system, nor do I really have interest in anything else.

So what's the minimum setup that I need to use just Clouds?