Pretty impressed with the ADDAC701 VCO. Covers the analog realm well, similar to the Dixie or the MN STO, for a reasonable ~$200. You have Plaits for lots of sounds. A complex osc is pretty high-end, big and expensive. I've added a doepfer A-114 Ring Mod + Happy Nerding FM Aid for some RM & FM sounds (using basic VCOs like the 701). Another interesting one is the Instruo tona, which has a wavefolder built in. You can also add a separate wavefolder module to a basic VCO, of course. There's E350/E352 for wavetables, NE Loquelic Iteritas for gnarly modulate-able digital sounds. Something really nice about the STO/Dixie/701/tona + something else (wavefolder, RM, FM, etc.) to get some solid analog sounds. Otherwise, I spent my energy on VCFs and modulation.