-- JimHowell1970

Moneywise you're definitely right, the Mantis comes at an unbeatable price, especially considering the power. My current case is actually mantis and I'm happy with it. The only thing is that it's not very roadworthy. I'm currently also in a situation where I have to always put away my case after I'm done jamming, so the simplicity of having just one (main) case is pretty lucrative :<

I really appreciate the replies! I've kinda decided that, probably the smartest (not the cheapest) move in the longer run is to get an Intellijel 7U (104 HP) and get at least 2 quadratts and then some. If anybody is selling theirs and is willing to ship to Finland hit me up :)

Good one on the matrix mixer but the only one I've ever considered was the doepfer one, which is unfortunately huge. I've seen some smaller ones, but they usually lack the possibility for cv control, oh well, maybe one day!

Ok so, I'll bite. I'm kinda mostly using my rack for feedbacky weirdness, textural fart sounds and other not-so-melodic stuff, however I'd really love to get more out of it. Initially I kinda wanted to go slightly serge-esque route but I got somehow lost in the way. I'm quite sure that the general consensus of recommendations will be "get rid of akemie's and some other osc and get some more modulation/utility, which is all fine; I just don't know what the heck I should go for (Batumi comes to mind for some reason) I haven't actually gotten a*b+c or compare2 but I like the way I could use the former to scale and offset (also with cv!) and compare2 seems like an interesting thing to explore. I got rid of Pamela's new workout cause I felt it dictates too much how to patch my system so pls don't recommend it. B)

ModularGrid Rack

Thank you guys so much!

Good trades from @brianemo, @PinPinKula, @kansha, @Bohler and @alex_xandre!