Not sure how to update these specs since they're manufacturer-approved and MI has ceased operations, but the specs do not match the documentation. The actual specs from the updated documentation page:

Width 12hp (correct)
Depth 25mm (not 10mm!)
+12V 70mA (this is in a previous revision)
-12V 70mA (as above)

The depth one is probably worth noting, I don't think it hurts to assume a higher power draw in general.

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So what you're saying is that even though you recognize that there is a solution (the Panel Selector), because the solution is somewhat inconvenient, you feel entitled to exacerbate the larger problem of adding entries for functionally identical modules that differ only in their panels.

Edit: I guess it's a moot point now; the entry in question has been removed.
-- sibilant

A solution that leads to further problems isn't a solution, as has been made abundantly clear. Panels don't persist across racks, and they don't even consistently stay unchanged within racks when new panels are added. The workaround continues to exist because of this, continues to be used for other Schlappi modules, remains standard practice for some manufacturer-locked submissions, and is the sole way to get aftermarket panels on to MG for manufacturer-locked modules.

You yourself have felt entitled to exacerbate what you call a larger problem at least twice yourself, so you're clearly neither unaware of the impacts nor unwilling to implement workarounds when it suits you. Perhaps mentioning it in the Feature Requests thread linked above would be productive, since the issue is ongoing and will continue to affect users every time somebody uploads a new panel for any module.

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The official modulargrid admin has provided the solution: consolidate modules that are functionally the same but merely have different faceplates, and just use the provided Panel Selector tool to switch between versions.
-- sibilant

You'll note that I linked to that thread above. From that post:

chaos215bar2PM Posted: Jun 8th, 00:30 Quote
It’s a problem when you have multiple racks. See above.

That was not addressed. If the panel selector doesn't work across racks, and it doesn't even work when copying and pasting a module across racks, then it is not a sufficient solution. This would be why many manufacturers continue to add multiple panel options as separate modules.

If panel selection can be made "sticky" per module per user, that would be fine, and duplicate versions of modules could be cleaned up. That would help a lot with database efficiency.

As it is, I've had modules change in existing racks, and as you can see in the other posts I linked as well as the one you linked, so do other users. Manufacturer's submissions get overridden unless locked to the manufacturer... which leads users with alternate faceplates to create duplicate modules. Same problem again.

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Schlappi has black and silver versions of many modules here: The standard for Schlappi in the browser here is silver, with black panels listed separately for most modules.

I added a black panel version earlier today, since my beautiful chrome-on-chrome panel was destroyed by some heartless cretin who decided that not only is black the standard, but that my hard work creating a black panel version should be undone with a "DUPLICATE PLEASE REMOVE". I have of course undone that vandalism.

Nice as it would be for the panel selection functionality to work properly, it doesn't; everyone who's had their manufacturer panel for, say, Pamela's New Workout suddenly and surprisingly replaced by a one-off black panel is aware of this. It would be ideal if the panel selection feature anchored to an official version, perhaps, but it does not. So, we have this solution in lieu of that.

Black/Silver panels are not listed as duplicates across the rest of ModularGrid. Add the black panel version to your rack if it's important to you.

See further discussion:
- (suggests consolidation 2 years ago, fails to address the panel selection issues since then).

TL;DR: either consolidate all modules or none, forum fights are boring.

great modules btw, praise be to Lord Schlappi. cheers

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Definitely a better use for the 5V rail! And given how much current that often gets hidden on that rail, it surprises me that pretty much no one else has tried a powering method like that. You sometimes see the 5V rail used to power the filaments on tube-based modules, or when there's a little processing chip onboard that needs it. But outside of that, nothing much, so this is a good trend, IMHO.
-- Lugia

Agreed! Others that I'm aware of (that also have this option in ModularGrid) are 4ms RCD + SMR and Noise Engineering BIA - there are likely more.

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For interested parties, I found MORDAX’s “system 5V” version yesterday. I added the silver panel from the SILVER, so all panel options should be available if you add this one to your rack/collection. Enjoy!

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have you tried selecting them in datasheet view and then copying and pasting them?
-- JimHowell1970

Unfortunately, yeah, I tried that but the output doesn't seem to lend itself to a copy + paste. There's some formatting weirdness I guess I need to work around, and this is even working with plain text.

I's no biggie, but it would be really cool to be able to export a list of modules into a file format. I'm kinda surprised Modular Grid doesn't already allow for this given the Venn diagram of Eurorack enthusiasts and spreadsheet nerds must have some overlap.

-- mattmarque

As somebody who had long resigned myself to the data sheet copy/paste-into-spreadsheet workflow (with some find and replace for "ma", "mm", and "hp" in the appropriate columns), I just learned via this thread that you can view a rack as XML or JSON, under two conditions:

  1. The rack belongs to a Unicorn account;
  2. The rack is not private.

Just add .xml or .json to the end, download the file, import elsewhere. For all modules, create a new rack large enough to fit all of them and then add all of your modules. Converting it for a spreadsheet is left as an exercise for the reader...

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I have an amalgamod case and can vouch for the quality of the case (all parts replaceable), the power supply (each header is filtered, and external transformer makes swapping plugs easy) and customer service (I bought mine second-hand with some issues, sorted out without issue or cost). 100% worth the money and I’d happy buy a second if needed, I’m a very happy customer.

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I have loved using MG; thank you for building it!

I have three things I'd find really useful:

  1. I really enjoy using racks to build/plan my "wishlist" of modules that I'd like to buy and figure out where to put the new ones... so some of the modules in my rack I own already (and they're in my Collection), but others I don't yet own. It'd be amazing to be able to dim them (e.g. put a 50% opacity solid black/white div over the image) as "placeholders". That way I can see where I'd like to put the modules I haven't bought yet, and at a glance tell which I have and which I don't have. A small add-on would be to show two total cost numbers for the rack: total, and total to buy (wishlist, or things not in my Collection). A toggle in the rack settings ("Dim things not in my collection") would let people opt-in to this display mode. I'd guess this could be based on the "in Collection" boolean/flag for each module.

  2. The total-rack power values are great, but sometimes I toggle back and forth between the Data Sheet view and the Rack view to see row-by-row statistics (which are at the bottom of the DS table). It'd be fantastic to be able to turn on/off a row-statistics view to the side of the rack, aligned with that row. Module count (passive count, too, but not as important to me), and power consumption in the row. That would let me see things like a specific row has a lot of power-hungry modules and the row below/above it doesn't, so that I can move things around to balance that out. An add-on here would be to make the "consolidate space" button that rearranges modules take power-balancing into consideration, too!

  3. Rack statistics, and maybe even Collection statistics: I am a bit of a nerd for how my rack (and my module Collection) is balanced: each module has tags for functions (e.g. Oscillator, LPG, etc)... what percentage of the modules in the rack are Oscillators? How many things that can be LFOs do I have? Do I have way too many VCAs (how could that even happen?)? A chart would be awesome, but even just a table showing counts would be fun. In the same way, what about manufacturer breakdown (This rack is 30% Instruo, 41% DIY, 3% Make Noise, etc), module widths, or other facts about the rack in aggregate? I am the type of person to build a spreadsheet to figure stuff like this out, but maybe other people aren't ... like that.

Thanks for asking for feedback/ideas!
-- gimbalgambit

These ideas are brilliant. I was hunting in here for an API discussion, as a few times now I’ve had to resort to copying from my rack data sheet to a spreadsheet and stripping out the text (“mA”, “mm”, “hp”) to better-arrange my modules according to power zones. Allowing some sort of API access like this for Unicorns, along with pull requests for other features that can be opted into for Unicorns, would circumvent this.

Would it be possible to display the current firmware version for modules where applicable..?

Would depend on the community/manufacturer to keep it up to date but would mean I look in one place
-- matt_was_taken

This could already be added into the description field by the community or manufacturers.

I have two feature requests of my own:

  1. a few times I’ve had my panel changed when somebody had added an aftermarket version, most recently with Pamela’s New Workout - I was surprised to find I suddenly had a black panel. It may be a good idea to give a manufacturer-prefenced first panel option.
  2. The current method of dealing with modules with optional 5V on certain modules is clunky at best (different versions for e.g. BIA, SMR, RCD) and broken at worst (no version for Mordax DATA). Is there a way an optional voltage flag could be enabled per-module?

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Necrobump, but I agree. That 150mA on +12V is can be better utilised by other modules that are actually drawing it ;)

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