Excellent, thanks! Any thoughts on price and availability?

How will the signal of a channel be sent to the Cue Mix?
A) by muting the channel (using the channel level), or
B) by switching Aux to "Pre" (using the Aux level), or
C) using dedicated buttons on the expander module?

Am I the only one who thinks either the position of the Pre/Post, and the Mute/Solo button should be swapped, or the position of the Level, and Send pot?
Now it looks right – thank you! :)

Yes, it is one of those modules you'll probably never want to sell - I won't for sure. ;)
The character of the basic reverb sounds like a well executed delay tank - not bad at all, though there may be better ("more expensive") sounding reverb algorithms available. But the unique, outstanding aspect of this module is the practically artifact-free CV-modulation of every parameter, which makes it so valuable in the modular context.
Clouds is very different, conceptually. I did not receive my unit yet, so I can't compare its reverb.

any release date estimation?